Life in a Hotel

Short and Sweet Then…

Almost 5 months ago I was thinking over and over about changing my job. And I got a job in a Tourist Hotel. As an IT technician. They didn’t have any IT guy in the company. So network and computers are a mess. They had a guy on contract to service and repair things.

They still often mix IT and Electronics. But some of them identify the difference between two of them.

A hotel is a very nice place if you are really living closer or doesn’t have a homesick. Don’t get me wrong I love traveling. But what I don’t like is working late hours.

I feel like being a lab-rat because I think they are running an experiment on me. No no… I don’t have wires and electrodes attached to my brain. But management decided to get me on a Supervisor level. I’m the youngest supervisor. At least [symple_highlight color=”blue”]two[/symple_highlight] times younger that the next one.  As I deduce ( yes, exactly as sherlock holmes) they gave me a supervisor level because they thought I might stay there longer time if they let me have my food from the restaurant. 😀

Right now everything under control except that crappy Scienter’s Hotel Management System. It gives me a headache when they give me an update.  Also, that system got some weird problems. One day lunch buffet becomes a hamburger with a price of Rs. 2300 and next day it was gone.

[symple_icon icon=”bolt” size=”xlarge” fade_in=”false” float=”left” color=”#fff” background=”#000″ border_radius=”99px” url=”” url_title=””]Anyway, I’m having a fair time in the hotel because it has a 2 fiber optic (SLT FTTx) connections.

I’m trying to keep a record of what is happening in my life  by writing a post at least once a week. Hope I can do that. Once a week is a not much a problem. I think…